Register Your Interest Name MrMrsMissMrsOther First Name (required) Last Name (required) Contact Details Address Line 1 (required) Address Line 2 City/Town (required) Telephone Number Postcode (required) Email (required) Registration Details How did you hear about us? Word of MouthLibraryHVC WebsiteRichmond FellowshipLeaflet/PosterDo-It.orgLocal AuthorityShaw TrustNewspaperInternetMencapWalking PastJob CentreOther Type of voluntary Work With which groups or types of people would you like to volunteer? (Please select up to 5 but at least one of each.) —Please choose an option—AnimalsFaith BasedMuseums & LibrariesArt and CultureFamiliesMusicChildrenGay, lesbian, bi and transgenderOffenders and Ex-offendersDisabilityHealth and Social CareOlder PeopleDisaster ReliefHeritagePoliticsDomestic ViolenceHomeless and HousingRace, Ethnicity and RefugeesDrugs and AddictionHuman and Civil RightsSport and RecreationEducation and LiteracyInternational AidWomenEmergency Services & SafetyLaw and Legal SupportYouthEnvironment & ConservationMental Health —Please choose an option—AnimalsFaith BasedMuseums & LibrariesArt and CultureFamiliesMusicChildrenGay, lesbian, bi and transgenderOffenders and Ex-offendersDisabilityHealth and Social CareOlder PeopleDisaster ReliefHeritagePoliticsDomestic ViolenceHomeless and HousingRace, Ethnicity and RefugeesDrugs and AddictionHuman and Civil RightsSport and RecreationEducation and LiteracyInternational AidWomenEmergency Services & SafetyLaw and Legal SupportYouthEnvironment & ConservationMental Health —Please choose an option—AnimalsFaith BasedMuseums & LibrariesArt and CultureFamiliesMusicChildrenGay, lesbian, bi and transgenderOffenders and Ex-offendersDisabilityHealth and Social CareOlder PeopleDisaster ReliefHeritagePoliticsDomestic ViolenceHomeless and HousingRace, Ethnicity and RefugeesDrugs and AddictionHuman and Civil RightsSport and RecreationEducation and LiteracyInternational AidWomenEmergency Services & SafetyLaw and Legal SupportYouthEnvironment & ConservationMental Health —Please choose an option—AnimalsFaith BasedMuseums & LibrariesArt and CultureFamiliesMusicChildrenGay, lesbian, bi and transgenderOffenders and Ex-offendersDisabilityHealth and Social CareOlder PeopleDisaster ReliefHeritagePoliticsDomestic ViolenceHomeless and HousingRace, Ethnicity and RefugeesDrugs and AddictionHuman and Civil RightsSport and RecreationEducation and LiteracyInternational AidWomenEmergency Services & SafetyLaw and Legal SupportYouthEnvironment & ConservationMental Health —Please choose an option—AnimalsFaith BasedMuseums & LibrariesArt and CultureFamiliesMusicChildrenGay, lesbian, bi and transgenderOffenders and Ex-offendersDisabilityHealth and Social CareOlder PeopleDisaster ReliefHeritagePoliticsDomestic ViolenceHomeless and HousingRace, Ethnicity and RefugeesDrugs and AddictionHuman and Civil RightsSport and RecreationEducation and LiteracyInternational AidWomenEmergency Services & SafetyLaw and Legal SupportYouthEnvironment & ConservationMental Health For what type of role would you consider volunteering? (Please select up to 5 but at least one of each.) —Please choose an option—AdministrationDrivingLegal and the LawAdvice/Information/SupportEvents and StewardingManual work and DIYArchitecture, Building & ConstructionFinance & AccountancyMarketing, Media & CommunicationsArt, Entertainment and MusicFirst AidRetail and Charity ShopsBefriending, Buddying & MentoringFundraising Sport & CoachingBusiness, Management and ResearchGardening & ConservationTeaching, Training and LeadingCampaigning and LobbyingGeneral and HelpingTechnology & the InternetCateringGroup VolunteeringTrusteeship and CommitteesCounsellingLanguagesYouth Work —Please choose an option—AdministrationDrivingLegal and the LawAdvice/Information/SupportEvents and StewardingManual work and DIYArchitecture, Building & ConstructionFinance & AccountancyMarketing, Media & CommunicationsArt, Entertainment and MusicFirst AidRetail and Charity ShopsBefriending, Buddying & MentoringFundraising Sport & CoachingBusiness, Management and ResearchGardening & ConservationTeaching, Training and LeadingCampaigning and LobbyingGeneral and HelpingTechnology & the InternetCateringGroup VolunteeringTrusteeship and CommitteesCounsellingLanguagesYouth Work —Please choose an option—AdministrationDrivingLegal and the LawAdvice/Information/SupportEvents and StewardingManual work and DIYArchitecture, Building & ConstructionFinance & AccountancyMarketing, Media & CommunicationsArt, Entertainment and MusicFirst AidRetail and Charity ShopsBefriending, Buddying & MentoringFundraising Sport & CoachingBusiness, Management and ResearchGardening & ConservationTeaching, Training and LeadingCampaigning and LobbyingGeneral and HelpingTechnology & the InternetCateringGroup VolunteeringTrusteeship and CommitteesCounsellingLanguagesYouth Work —Please choose an option—AdministrationDrivingLegal and the LawAdvice/Information/SupportEvents and StewardingManual work and DIYArchitecture, Building & ConstructionFinance & AccountancyMarketing, Media & CommunicationsArt, Entertainment and MusicFirst AidRetail and Charity ShopsBefriending, Buddying & MentoringFundraising Sport & CoachingBusiness, Management and ResearchGardening & ConservationTeaching, Training and LeadingCampaigning and LobbyingGeneral and HelpingTechnology & the InternetCateringGroup VolunteeringTrusteeship and CommitteesCounsellingLanguagesYouth Work —Please choose an option—AdministrationDrivingLegal and the LawAdvice/Information/SupportEvents and StewardingManual work and DIYArchitecture, Building & ConstructionFinance & AccountancyMarketing, Media & CommunicationsArt, Entertainment and MusicFirst AidRetail and Charity ShopsBefriending, Buddying & MentoringFundraising Sport & CoachingBusiness, Management and ResearchGardening & ConservationTeaching, Training and LeadingCampaigning and LobbyingGeneral and HelpingTechnology & the InternetCateringGroup VolunteeringTrusteeship and CommitteesCounsellingLanguagesYouth Work About you Please tell us about any skills, interests and passions you have. Also previous voluntary work you have done. Availability Monday Morning Afternoon Evening Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening Friday Morning Afternoon Evening Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening Are there any days or times that you would prefer to volunteer or prefer not to volunteer? (ie Mondays only or term time only, not term times, etc.) Additional Information Is there anything else you would like to disclose to us? This information is kept confidential. Havering Volunteer Centre is formalising a list of volunteers who could offer a translation service to organisations and individuals in Havering. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered as a translation volunteer and what languages you speak. Havering Volunteer Centre is formalising a local disaster recovery plan, having volunteers in the time of a crisis is vital. Please indicate if you would like to be contacted in the event of a local disaster and any special skills that you could offer i.e. event management, first aid, etc PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY I give Havering Volunteer Centre my consent to record this information confidentially on a third party secure and encrypted database & manual system and to use it to identify suitable volunteering opportunities for me and for Havering Volunteer Centre statistical purposes. Havering Volunteer Centre will also use these details to provide updates on new volunteering opportunities & other relevant information - if you would prefer not to be on the Volunteer Centre mailing list, please let us know. Havering Volunteer Centre operates a volunteer referral system where once you have agreed an interest in a volunteering role, your name, telephone number and email address will be passed onto the relevant organisation. By signing this registration form you agree for Havering Volunteer Centre to store and transfer your data for the purposes of its core functions. The information that we collect We collect your contact details including name, email and telephone number What We do with your information Your data is kept on a database that is password protected and is used to provide you with information about services and activities provided by Havering Volunteer Centre Your data is kept for the sole use of Havering Volunteer Centre. Privacy Policy By signing this registration form you agree for Havering Volunteer Centre to store and transfer your data for the purposes of its core functions. Please type your name below to sign We want to know you better The information you give us will remain strictly confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Are you... MaleFemale What is your age? —Please choose an option—Under 1718 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465 - 6970 - 7475+ What is your ethnic group? White BritishIrishAny other white background Mixed White and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and AsianAny other mixed background Asian IndianPakistaniBangladeshiChineseAny other Asian background Black AfricanCaribbeanAny other black background Other ethnic group ArabAny other ethnic background Prefer not to say Is English your first language? YesNo Do you consider yourself to have a disability? YesNoUnsure The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as "a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on (a person's) ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities". If yes, which of the following best describes your disability? (choose all that apply) Mobility difficulties (wheelchair user)Mobility difficulties (non wheelchair user)Sight difficultiesMental health issuesSpeaking difficultiesLong-term illnessHearing difficultiesOtherLearning difficultiesPrefer not to sayIf other, please specify: What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual/StraightBisexualGay ManGay Woman/LesbianPrefer not to say